Binghamton officials expect additional free refuse collections will be scheduled following a recent break on garbage fees.

Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News
Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News

The city released figures indicating nearly two million pounds of trash was picked up over eight collection days.

Public works crews collected 910 tons of garbage during the first two weeks of August. That's almost three times the amount collected during the same period last year.

The temporary program allowed city of Binghamton residents to get rid of household trash and bulk items without using official blue garbage bags or pink bulk items stickers normally required.

On the special collection days, nine garbage trucks were used instead of the usual six. Shifts for workers were extended by two hours a day.

Mayor Richard David said public works employees "deserve our appreciation and thanks" for taking on the "challenge" of collecting much more trash than usual.

In a City Hall statement, David said the city will schedule more free refuse collections in the future. It's not known when the next free collections will take place.

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