Johnson City Electronics Collection Could Prevent Surprise Bills
The Village of Johnson City is helping its residents get rid of some old junk and that could mean avoiding an unexpected and expensive bill.
The Village is holding a Municipal Cleanup Day on Saturday, October 26, allowing residents to drop off old electronics at the Public Works Garage, free of charge. The collection is taking place from 7 to 11 a.m. for Village residents only.
The collection could be important to note for people who have electronic items to get rid of that aren’t the normal curb-side collection fare as noted by residents recently who have gotten a big bill to have a big clunker taken away.
You could be charged over $100 for removal of an item like a television as the Village cannot collect electronics on a normal basis.
Ignorance is no excuse, a resident recently received a $105 charge for having a television taken away. An appeal to have that charge dropped since the resident didn't know any better was rejected.