Binghamton University President, Doctor Harvey Stenger will be talking a lot about Johnson City as he delivers his State of the University Address on the Vestal Campus

hoto: Bob Joseph/WNBF News
Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News


B.U.’s expansion across the river continues to grow with the now-open school of pharmacy and, soon, the new Decker College of Nursing and Health Services nursing school to be followed by the School of Rehabilitation Sciences and School of Applied Health Sciences.

B.U. recently acquired several buildings in the eastern portion of Corliss Avenue and has been working on construction and historic building rehabilitation in the neighborhood.

The State of the University Address October 17 is open to the public and will be given in the Osterhout Concert Theater in the Anderson Center on the Binghamton University campus at 3:30 p.m.


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