This Plant-Hopper May Be Heading Our Way
The spotted lanternfly could be on its way to New York State, with potential threats to our vineyards, landscape, and other agriculture.
A press release issued from Cornell University, warns of the possibilities of the Spotted Lanternfly’s presence in New York State.
In high numbers, this "planthopper" can be problematic in the grape orchards, causing damage to vineyards and hop yards as well.
The spotted lanternflies can also cause damage to certain trees species, which could cause prices of commercially sold trees, plants, and associated products to increase.
The release quotes Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, an entomologist whose work focuses on integrated pest management as saying “The spotted lanternfly does not bite or sting and is not a threat to people or pets. Large numbers of SLF, while not dangerous to humans or animals, can create a mess when they feed by excreting honeydew on surfaces in backyards, parks, on cars and places where people are active. Sugary honeydew attracts ants and yellowjackets and is a base for the growth of unsightly sooty mold.
The experts suggest people should be and vigilant, and travelers should be cautious, and inspect anything that you load into your vehicle.