The Spotted Lanternfly along with the Lymantria Dispar Dispar (LDD) (formerly known as ‘gypsy moth’) is a threat to many types of trees and fruits such as apples, grapes, peaches, and cherries.
The spotted lanternfly might be pretty, but it is an invasive species and wreaks so much havoc that officials in PA and NY are asking people to kill it on sight.
Be on the look out for these little buggers, the spotted lanternfly is zoning in on grapes, apples, hops and a variety of other crops in New York State.
The infestation of a colorful but costly insect has come to its one-year anniversary in Pennsylvania and residents are encouraged to help slow its spread.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Agriculture and Markets is asking for help in tracking down a very harmful insect invader.