Own A Private Well In New York? Tips To Keep Your Water SafeOwn A Private Well In New York? Tips To Keep Your Water SafeGerms and chemicals can enter your drinking water in several ways including flooding, extreme weather, and natural changes in the waterDon MorganDon Morgan
Use Private Well Water? Tips To Keep Your Family SafeUse Private Well Water? Tips To Keep Your Family SafeTest your well water each year for bacteria and 3 to 5 years for other contaminants.Don MorganDon Morgan
Suit SettledSuit SettledTwo more Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania families are settling their legal matters with Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Settlement OverturnedSettlement OverturnedA multi-million dollar settlement for Dimock, Pennsylvania residents against a natural gas drilling company is being tossed. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte