New York State Offering Free Virtual Tax Filing Sessions
If you’re a New York State resident and are having problems filing your taxes, you may quality for some free assistance.
The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance is offering free virtual tax filing assistance to residents who make $72,000 or less.
Virtual sessions will be available at no cost through the New York State Tax filing deadline on May 17, 2021, the NYSDTF can help guide you through the process of filing electronically from preparation to finish for both your 2020 federal and State tax returns for no fee.
The Federal government has extended the tax filing deadline to May 17, 2021 and New York State has matched that deadline date.
Virtual webinar sessions will be prescheduled using WebEx or Zoom, the NYSDTF will guide you through step by step using the free tax preparation software to complete and file your tax return.
The link to register is below, and once registration is completed you will receive an e mail with a link to the webinar session, along with another link to the free tax software, and the intake questionnaire that you will need to fill out, to be sure you have all the documents you will need for your tax filing session.
Be sure to have all tax documents and personal information for each person on the return
Set up your account using the free software
Plan on spending up to two hours in the webinar session
If you’re confident enough to fill out your own tax return you can still use the free soft CLICK HERE