John Wayne Under Attack for Racism
In the latest movement to destroy anything associated with racism, the leaders of a democratic party in Orange County California want a statue of John Wayne removed.
The Los Angeles times reported that the statue of John Wayne at the Orange county airport may be removed along with his name and image, in an emergency resolution.
The issue came to light as a result of a playboy interview with the Duke back in 1971 in which he (John Wayne) made bigoted and racial remarks towards native americans, black people and gay people.
Some people are calling this a witch hunt, I myself am shocked at the allegations, but over the past few weeks we have seen statues of our founding fathers toppled over, classic movies and television shows pulled off the air, bands taking any reference to the old south removed from their names, and stores being protested for selling anything that is deemed to have racial ties.
I don’t think most people ever gave much thought about these symbols as a stance towards bigotry and racism and I’m sure they didn’t mean to offend anyone.
The movement that seems to be fueled by Black Lives Matter has pointed to many of our historical figures as horrible people. Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry and many others had their statues mauled with paint, ripped down and even beheaded.
John Wayne is just the latest in which others are sure to be hunted down.
Will this nightmare ever stop, and what’s next?