The last couple of years have taken their toll on my dad and in a major way. My dad, once a brilliant engineer is a cancer survivor who now spends many of his days visiting his local senior center because cancer stole his ability to do many of the things he once did. Now, my dad sits and visits with other seniors, which gives him a break from reality for a while.

Senior centers aren't just an important place for people like my dad who craves time with others his age, but according to the National Council on Aging, "Compared with their peers, senior center participants have higher levels of health, social interaction, and life satisfaction and lower levels of income."

Senior centers offer members of our community a variety of benefits from health and fitness training to meal planning courses, to arts programs, and even employment assistance.

This Saturday, January 27th, the Eastern Broome Senior Center at 27 Golden Lane in Harpursville will host a Chili and Cornbread Lunch fundraiser. From 11:30am to 2pm (or until gone), you and your family are invited to enjoy a hot meal, coleslaw, homemade dessert and musical entertainment by Gary Teed &Co. from 12:30pm- 1:30pm.

A cost is involved, so if you'd like details on pricing and on the snow date, definitely reach out to Eastern Broome Senior Center at 607-693-2069.

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