Have You Gotten This Email Scam?
They attack through your email in many different ways, setting you up to reveal your personal information, while they steal from you.
I recently received an email informing me that I had been detected with a speed infringement, the reason they listed was negligent driving in Greenwich, Connecticut.
The email listed a case number, and an amount due $387.87.
The very last line tells me that I will be sent the information by mail, however I can screen it now by clicking here, the link says "Photo Proof-4563456".
This scam is called Phishing, if I clicked on the Photo Proof-4563456. It would have most certainly asked me for personally information, credit card, e mail passwords, social security number, etc.
They often are disguised as a request from a bank, credit card company, and on line payment site, or in my case, a speed camera violation site.
If you receive an email that claims you may have something wrong with your account, or they need to confirm some information, maybe they will be offering something free stuff, while trying to get you to click on to something for more info, you are most likely being targeted for a phishing scam.
If you receive an e mail like the one I was sent, do not open it.
If you suspect you are being set up in a scam, you can forward the e mail to reportphishing@apwg.org
Reporting these types of e mails, may prevent scammers from praying on another victim.
Never give you personal information through an e mail. Most legitimate business will never ask you for personal information through e mail.
[via www.consumer.ftc.gov]