B.U. Celebrates National Engineering Week
Binghamton University Thomas J Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science began a week long celebration of National Engineers week.
The week will include many events, most in virtual presentations now through Sunday February 28th
Throughout past years the weeklong celebration included a community day where families can participate in activities run by students of Watson College.
This year due to COVID-19 there will be many online activities that participates can enjoy, including a scavenger hunt, make your own ice cream, build a catapult from popsicle sticks and even watch the Watson Mars Rover team.
The Virtual Community Day will be offered on line via Zoom this Saturday February 27th from 10:30am to 1:30pm.
There will also be a Virtual (via Zoom) Watson College Alumni and Friends Networking night this Thursday February 25th
You can get a complete list of the week long activities and register for the various events by CLICK HERE
And find out more about Binghamton University and what they offer HERE