Winter Parking Reality Check
Motorists and municipalities that have largely been ignoring the winter parking rules are going to be in for a reality check with the potential of lots of snow for the weekend.
Many areas have special parking rules for the winter including prohibiting parking on streets after a certain amount of snowfall or parking on the side of the street that corresponds with the calendar date.
Some areas have been lax in ticketing cars parked on the wrong side of the street since the rules took effect in early December, possibly due to the absence of the need to get plows down the roads. And motorists have been ignoring the rules either out of ignorance of the ordinances or, again, with the reasoning that if there is no snow to clear, there is no need to make way for snow plows.
Winter parking rules are generally in place until at least March.
Most municipalities have signs posted at their borders with the winter parking regulations and on their official websites.
Meanwhile, the City of Binghamton is asking all residents to refrain from parking on City streets over the weekend to assist with the snow removal operations.
Vehicles can be moved into driveways, public garages or lots that charge fees for parking or lots at City parks.
The City emphasizes that vehicles parked illegally and blocking plow routes will be towed.