The NYS Department of Transportation is advising a culvert replacement has closed part of a road in Meredith in Delaware County for almost three weeks.
Delaware County Sheriff’s officials say neither the driver of an all-terrain vehicle that rolled over nor his passenger was wearing a helmet when the UTV crashed in the Town of Meredith May 17.
A Brooklyn resident, pulled over for drunk driving in Delaware County, is found to be an illegal immigrant with a previous drunk driving charge downstate.
New York State Police say they seized around 100 pounds of processed marijuana, 500 harvested pot plants, 34 grams of hashish and arrested three men following a search at two homes in the Town of Meredith.
A teenager from Meredith is facing charges after a report to the New York State Child Abuse Hotline alleged he had provide two 15 year olds with marijuana.
A Delaware County man is accused of putting children in danger after he allegedly passed two stopped school buses, one just as the children were about to walk across the street.