Opinion: Southern Tier Animal Cruelty Case Highlights Continuing ProblemOpinion: Southern Tier Animal Cruelty Case Highlights Continuing ProblemOver the past couple of days, I've read in the news about three horrible animal cruelty cases.Don MorganDon Morgan
Schnauzer Reboot?Schnauzer Reboot?Broome Office for Aging presents: “How Robotic Companion Cats and Dogs Provide Comfort to People.” Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Milkweed Plants Are Toxic To Pets – What You Need To KnowMilkweed Plants Are Toxic To Pets – What You Need To KnowThis plant can interfere directly with electrolyte balance within a dog's heart muscle.Don MorganDon Morgan
New Law Protects Animals In Shelters Across New York StateNew Law Protects Animals In Shelters Across New York StateLegislation recently passed in Albany is elevating care standards at animal shelters and animal rescue organizations in New York State.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Next Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill Step – New Yok State Governor Hochul SigningNext Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill Step – New Yok State Governor Hochul SigningThe New York State Senate and Assembly have both passed a bill that bans the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores.Don MorganDon Morgan
Adopting A New Dog? Take These Steps To Make The Transition EasierAdopting A New Dog? Take These Steps To Make The Transition EasierOnce your pet becomes acclimated to your family and your home, life with a new pet becomes so much more enjoyable.Don MorganDon Morgan
In New York State, Is It legal To Bury A Pet On Your Property?In New York State, Is It legal To Bury A Pet On Your Property?If there's one thing that upsets me about having pets, it's the fact that they don't live very long.Don MorganDon Morgan
Does New York State Limit The Number Of Dogs You Can Own?Does New York State Limit The Number Of Dogs You Can Own?Some municipalities in the state have limits.Don MorganDon Morgan
Pudgy Pups: New York Dogs Pack On the PoundsPudgy Pups: New York Dogs Pack On the PoundsHumans aren't the only ones who've packed on the pounds since March of 2020. Our poor pups have, too and it's not exactly healthy.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Rabies Clinic at BC Humane Soc.Rabies Clinic at BC Humane Soc.Pet owners in Broome County have a chance to get their dog or cat up to date on vaccines at a reduced price May 3. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte