State Trooper Credited with Saving Life in Delaware County
A Delaware County man is hospitalized after he was seriously hurt while using a woodchipper.
Authorities say a New York State trooper helped to save the 51-year-old man's life after he was injured Thursday morning in Margaretville.
The man was working for a tree removal service at a home on Dry Brook Road when his leg became caught in the machine.
According to state police, two people who were at the scene assisted by putting the woodchipper in reverse and freeing his leg. They applied a belt to the leg but they were not able to stop the severe bleeding.
Trooper Mitchell Reed was nearby when he heard the high priority emergency call being dispatched.
When Reed arrived, he utilized a tourniquet in his troop car to slow the bleeding before medics got to the scene.
The injured man was taken to Margaretville Hospital and then transferred to Albany Medical Center. He is reported to be in "good health" as he awaits another surgical procedure.
Contact WNBF News reporter Bob Joseph:
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