Dining for Dollars Has Clergy Singing for Tips
The 14th Annual Dining for Dollars fundraiser to benefit Faith in Action volunteers was held Thursday evening at the Riverdale Banquet Hall in Endwell. Approximately 200 guests enjoyed dinner and music from Rick Pedro and singing from clergy and celebrity volunteers. Clergy not only sang for tips but waited on tables to earn additional money for their service, all of which went to help the various projects involving Faith in Action Volunteers.
Along with diners enjoying refreshments, dinner and dessert came opportunities to buy raffle tickets for prize baskets donated by various businesses. Several dozen businesses donated prize baskets and many others helped sponsor the event.
Faith in Action provides numerous services and assistance for community members primarily helping senior citizens. Volunteers help by taking elderly community members to doctors and other appointments, spend time visiting with home bound people and build handicapped access ramps through the "Ramp It Up" program.
Faith in Action is part of the Broome County Council of Churches. For additional information on services provided through Faith in Action go online to:
or call 607-724-9130.