I broadcast high school football games in the fall and Binghamton University Men’s Basketball in the winter. I was a starting offensive tackle for Westminster College when we won the NAIA National Football Championship in 1970. Our Head Coach was Dr. Harold Burry who was inducted into the National College Football Hall of Fame the first year college division participants were eligible. Others in that class included Walter Payton and Terry Bradshaw. I also played baseball at Westminster and played with Darryl Jones who was drafted by the New York Yankees. I’ve been selected to three Hall of Fames: the Binghamton Hockey Hall of Fame, the Southern Tier Broadcasters Hall of Fame, and the Slippery Rock High School Athletic Hall of Fame.
Roger Neel
Roger Neel: Signing Off For The Final Time [VIDEO]
Thank you so much for all you have done for me in these 42 years at WNBF. I had no idea when I came here in 1978 that i would love you this much.
Graduation Comes to NYSEG Stadium
NYSEG Stadium will be the site for three high school graduation ceremonies later this month.
2020 Spiedie Fest Postponed for Now
The 2020 Spiediefest and Balloon Rally has been put on hold.
WNBF Podcasts Are Here, Learn How To Download!
Podcasts of WNBF's local programs are now available for you to hear at your convenience.
PA Readies for Return to Sports Competition
Governor Tom Wolf has given the green light to sports at all levels to begin their return.
American Astronauts Continue Space Journey
Apalaching native Doug Hurley continues his space journey.
NHL Continues Preparations to Get Back on the Ice
The NHL is moving forward in its plan to resume its suspended season.
MLB Draft Set for Wednesday at 7 PM
No deal for baseball but the MLB Draft goes on as scheduled.
The More They Meet the Worse It Gets
MLB sends another proposal to the Major League Baseball Player's Union.
Hope for In-Person Graduations Returns
Hopes for a more traditional graduation ceremony were buoyed for New York students in the Class of 2020 today.