Chamber Holds Virtual Business Agenda
Tomorrow is local Advocacy Day and the Greater Binghamton Chamber is giving businesses a front seat to the virtual Legislative Agenda.
The pandemic that is still going on after almost a year has destroyed business, and downsized others to bare bones operations.
Many business owners have concerns on what will happen to local business in 2021 as we attempt to kill the virus and open up our country.
Local business representatives like the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce believe it is important to have a voice, and that is why it is offering business a chance to attend a virtual Legislative Agenda and Local Advocacy Day being help tomorrow January 22, from 8:30am to 10am.
According to a news release from the Chamber, the new Executive Director of Unshackle Upstate, Justin Wilcox will speak about the legislative priorities for this year.
In addition, that Virtual agenda will include roundtable discussions with some of our New York State elected officials, including Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, Assemblyman Joe Angelino, and Senator Fred Akshar.
The agenda comes at a time when many issues leafing up to budget proposals and approvals for the upcoming year.
The virtual Agenda will give business leaders a chance to express their personal feelings and experiences with the regulations and taxes within New York State to government officials.
The event is Friday January 22, 2021 from 8:30am to 10:00am.
More information and to register CLICK HERE