Today is World Stroke Day
Today is World Stroke Day. According to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association stroke is the number two cause of death worldwide and a leading cause of long-term disability.
In information supplied by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association a huge key is quick detection of a stroke. A big key to stroke recovery is participating in a rehabilitation program. The sooner a stroke victim is able to be seen by medical personnel and treated the better that individual's chances are for recovery.
There are four important steps to take if you believe someone is suffering a stroke:The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association lists those steps to check as:
1. Face Drooping. Is one side of the face drooping. Can that person still smile ?
2. Arm Weakness. Is one arm weak or numb ? Can the person raise both arms ?
3. Speech Difficulty. Is the person slurring his or her speech ? Can the person speak at all and do they react to your voice ?
4. Time to call 9-1-1. Time is vital. Minutes can mean the difference between survival, paralysis or worse.Seek treatment immediately.
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