What You Should Know Before Digging on Your PropertyWhat You Should Know Before Digging on Your PropertyThe springtime projects are starting, and if you’re planning any type of excavation or digging projects, we have some important information from NYSEG and RG&EDoug MosherDoug Mosher
Safety Tips to Avoid Carbon Monoxide ExposureSafety Tips to Avoid Carbon Monoxide ExposureNYSEG and RG&E remind you to check your units and make sure you have the proper detection in your home.Doug MosherDoug Mosher
Power Still Out in RochesterPower Still Out in RochesterIt looks like it’s going to be a long, cold weekend for utility crews and residents in Western New York. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Energy AssistanceEnergy AssistanceLow income residents in the region have a chance to get a little help paying their utility bills.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte