NY Residents Unprotected: How We're Neglecting Online PrivacyNY Residents Unprotected: How We're Neglecting Online PrivacyConcerns over identity theft, spam, and phishing are highlighted in a recent survey on digital privacy.Glenn PitcherGlenn Pitcher
Binghamton Area Gets Homeland Security $Binghamton Area Gets Homeland Security $Several local governments are getting federal money to help protect the public from everything from bombs to cyber attack.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Global/Home Cyber Security ConcernsGlobal/Home Cyber Security ConcernsGovernor Hochul says New Yorkers should remember they are vulnerable to cyber attacks in light of current geopolitical uncertainty.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Emergency Preparedness GrantsEmergency Preparedness GrantsEndicott, Broome County, City of Binghamton and Cortland County are among 79 recipients of grants for emergency preparedness and response.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Who Knew? BU Leads in Cyber-Security ResearchWho Knew? BU Leads in Cyber-Security ResearchBinghamton University named a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Research for work being done on cyber-security.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte