Statewide STOP DWI Super Bowl Weekend
Crackdowns on impaired driving will be taking place leading into, and during the Superbowl weekend throughout New York State
Cortland County Sheriff Mark Helms also announced that they will have DWI patrols participating in special enforcements beginning February 5th through the February 8th 2021.
Many police agencies will have saturation patrols throughout the Superbowl weekend throughout New York State.
The Superbowl is the biggest sporting event of the year in America, and statically one of the deadliest times for drunk driving fatalities.
In a news release, Stop DWI New York reminds you to be safe, designate a responsible person to drive before the game, Don’t Drive, Get a Ride!
Download the Stop DWI Mobile App HERE and you will always be able to find a safe ride home
Campaigns like the STOP DWI crackdowns create awareness and reduce the risks involved with drunk and impaired driving.
These statewide efforts are also implemented during St Patrick’s Day, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day Weekend and during the December Holidays.
DON’T DRIVE, GET A RIDE! Click HERE for more information