Paying for Parking and City Garbage Bags Resume in Binghamton
Binghamton Mayor Richard David says the City will again require residents to use the blue municipal garbage bags and officials will enforce the paid meter parking. Code enforcement violations will also be enforced again, all starting May 16 after emergency orders suspended those actions for two months due to the COVID-19 emergency.
City Hall adds the 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew is also expiring.
The Mayor’s Office says the eight-week suspension of the City’s blue garbage bag requirement and parking fees resulted in an estimated $200,000 in financial relief to residents, many of whom where abruptly put out of work by the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown. That, of course, meant $200,000 dollars in revenue not making into the City’s bank account.
While the curfew is ending, Binghamton Police will continue to enforce social distancing protocols and conduct compliance checks related to the Governor’s Executive Order requiring bars and restaurants to only operate with take-out service and no on-premise seating or consumption.
The general state of emergency declared March 16 remains in effect.
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