New York Sheriffs Say Officers Won’t Count Dinner Guests
While New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has placed a limit of ten people allowed to gather, even for private events, in attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19, the New York State Sheriff’s Association is pushing back.
In a statement, the Association says officers will not be randomly coming to residents' homes Thanksgiving Day to count the people around the table. They say that would be “neither practical nor Constitutional.”
The also took Umbridge with the Governor recently saying ‘Law enforcement officers don’t get to pick and choose which laws they will enforce’ while he has said the State Police do not have to enforce the order.
The sheriffs say its been their experience that encouraging residents to follow directives of federal, state and local health agencies is working to help New York achieve some of the lowest infection rates in the country without employing heavy-handed law enforcement techniques.
The Association says it continues to urge citizens to stay informed on the best steps to protect themselves and others from the spread of the virus.