July Fest Set for This Weekend
Binghamton's 55th Annual July Fest is set for this weekend, July 14th, 15th and 16th. July Fest is organized by the Downtown Binghamton Business Association and presented by M & T Bank. July Fest hours are Friday and Saturday from 10 AM - 10 PM and on Sunday from 10 AM - 5 PM.
Close to 20 different musical groups will entertain throughout the three-day event. Headliners will appear on the sound stage at the intersection of Court and State Streets on Friday and Saturday evenings. One of the area's most popular groups Splash will perform Friday night from 8-11 PM. Then the Blacklites Show Band from Syracuse entertains Saturday evening from 7-10 PM. Following their show the downtown will light up with a large fireworks display.
On Saturday the 10th Annual Parlor City 5K Run will be held starting at 9 AM. That will be followed by a free kids run. Along with the run and entertainment there will be a number of vendors and outlets for for food and refreshments.
The Downtown area will be closed to vehicular traffic for set-up on Thursday and throughout July Fest. For information on the 2017 July Fest visit: