Discovery Center Offering Childcare Programs
The Discovery Center will be offering childcare full day programs for area school kids ages 5 to 12, during and after school programs.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused a great deal of uncertainly in our lives, and in our children’s lives, the school infrastructure is causing parents to seek childcare as they return to the workplace.
According to a press release from the Discovery Center of the Southern Tier, children from any area school district, between the ages of 5-12, are welcome to attend the full-day program 8AM - 6PM, Monday through Friday.
Afterschool care will also be offered to children in the Binghamton City School District from 3PM - 6PM, Monday through Friday, when school is in session.
The Discovery Center, located in Ross Park at 60 Morgan Road Binghamton, has been running summer programs for kids through the pandemic, and fully understand social distancing, and safety protocols, the instructors are well prepared to help support learning this fall during school sessions.
For more information about The Discovery Center’s Childcare Programs, click HERE