Foodie Friday Treat is a Trick!Foodie Friday Treat is a Trick!Here's a treat with a trick and not a single apple was harmed in the making of this recipe for Zucchini Mock Apple Pie.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Foodie Friday: Zucchini Cookies!Foodie Friday: Zucchini Cookies!Now, I'm not saying these cookies are healthy, but just let me point out they are zucchini cookies, after all.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
GALLERY: Foodie Friday Vegetable LasagnaGALLERY: Foodie Friday Vegetable LasagnaEnd of summer and people are leaving squashes and tomatoes on your doorstep, so make a nutritious and delicious Foodie Friday vegetable lasagna out of them!Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte