Archaeologists who examined the site where the new Owego Elementary School was built will share their findings with in a pair of presentations at the school.
Lourdes and Guthrie are teaming up to provide free health care for area residents on Saturday, October 22 from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM at the Owego Elementary School, 2 Sheldon Guile Boulevard in Owego. The event is based on a first come, first served basis and will offer free medical services and financial counseling for those who visit...
A big celebration is in the works for the opening of a $72 million school in Tioga County.
Police and fire vehicles will escort about 14 buses in a parade to the new Owego Elementary School on Wednesday morning.
Owego-Apalachin School District officials say the buses will assemble at the Tops Plaza just east of the village at 9 a...
Construction work on the new Owego Elementary School project is expected to be finished in two months.
Planning for the $72 million project started shortly after the 2011 flood destroyed the former elementary school.
Owego-Apalachin school superintendent William Russell said all that remains to be done now is finishing work...
Workers are putting some of the finishing touches on the $72 million Owego Elementary School project.
The new complex is being built on the site of the former school, which was damaged by flooding that started on the first day of the school year in September 2011...
Owego Elementary School students started classes for the new school year in a neighboring county as construction continues on a new school building.
The students once again are taking a long bus ride in the morning and afternoon to an old Union-Endicott School District building in West Corners...
The new Owego Elementary School is taking shape on the site of the school that was damaged by massive flooding two-and-a-half years ago.
Owego Apalachin school superintendent William Russell says the district's goal is to have the school ready for classes in September of next year...
Dozens of trucks have been bringing in thousands of tons of top soil and other material to the site of the new Owego Elementary School.
According to a project report released by the Owego-Apalachin School District, more than 18,000 tons of fill for the building pad was delivered over the course of seven working days...
A referendum has been scheduled for next month to authorize a funding plan for a new Owego Elementary School project.
The old school was damaged by the flooding that occurred two years ago.
Owego-Apalachin School District officials say residents are being asked to approve borrowing to cover a portion of the cost of the new building...
Heavy equipment started tearing down the flood-damaged Owego Elementary School this morning.
Crews from Gorick Construction are expected to work to remove the old school building over the next couple of weeks.
The school opened in 1965...