Why Is This Stretch Of Highway Near Prospect Mountain So Infuriating?Why Is This Stretch Of Highway Near Prospect Mountain So Infuriating?I have a question about the 81N/17W split by the Brandywine Highway On-Ramp? What happened to the plastic orange cones at the divider?Glenn PitcherGlenn Pitcher
Motorcylist Dies After High-Speed Crash near Kamikaze CurveMotorcylist Dies After High-Speed Crash near Kamikaze CurveA motorcyclist died after losing control of his bike at a highway interchange in the city of Binghamton.Bob JosephBob Joseph
81/17 Construction Work Resumes81/17 Construction Work ResumesWork is starting back up on the Route 17/Interstate 81 interchange reconstruction in Binghamton.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Prospect Mountain ProgressThe New York State Department of Transportation is celebrating a milestone in the lengthy Prospect Mountain Construction Project. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
52-Ton Trash Spill52-Ton Trash SpillA massive traffic backup developed after a truck loaded with more than 50 tons of construction debris overturned at the Interstate 81/Route 17 interchange in Binghamton.Bob JosephBob Joseph