Roberson Museum & Home for the Holidays on Southern Tier Close Up
Roberson Museum and Science Center Executive Director Michael Grasso is entering his third year as head of the museum on Front Street in the City of Binghamton and appears on the weekly, local public affairs program Southern Tier Close Up.
Roberson is set to launch its annual Home for the Holidays display that has been a favorite of residents for decades and draws hundreds of visitors to Binghamton.
Grasso says visions he had as he took over as head of Roberson of taking the facility in many directions ranging from the traditional to new ventures has been exciting. Grasso says attendance is up and he is excited for new projects in 2020 as well as fairly recent, quirky traditions like Robercon comic-fantasy festival.
As for Home for the Holidays, Grasso says set-up is nearly complete with an opening of November 14. The displays of feature trees decorated by local organizations and businesses, designer displays, ethnic traditions in the International Forest, trains and more continues to evolve. Grasso says he even had to go out and buy more trees this year.
More information on Home for the Holidays, museum admission, the Play it Forward initiative, exhibitions and planetarium shows can be found at
Southern Tier Close Up is heard Saturdays at 12:10 p.m. on News Radio 1290 WNBF.