Would You Pay to Cuddle with a Professional?
According to a report from Stephen T. Watson of The Buffalo News, there's such a thing as professional cuddlers in New York. So would you pay for a professional cuddling session?
This is definitely not something I expected to come across today but the headline was just too intriguing to not read. And to my surprise, not only do professional cuddlers exist, but at least one provider of professional cuddlers actually provides training.
According to the article, the market exists because psychologically speaking, people need physical contact with other people. And for some who live an isolated lifestyle, especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, it may be difficult to satisfy that psychological need for physical contact with other people. So they can pay professional cuddlers to fulfill that need for them.
Now as far as I'm aware, there's no professional cuddling market in Binghamton, New York. Which begs the question, is Binghamton missing the trained professional cuddlers or is there simply nobody in Binghamton that's willing to pay for a hug? And perhaps now that Binghamton residents know that professional cuddling actually exists, am I inadvertently creating a new job market in the area just by stumbling upon Watson's article? Judging by the article professional cuddlers are capable of making a pretty significant amount of money just by being willing to buck any stigmas that come with the profession and give hugs to strangers.
So what do you think? If there was a professional cuddling business in Binghamton would you take advantage of it?