Oxford-McDonough Offer Free Dinners for Thanksgiving
Each year many of our communities hold Thanksgiving Dinners for people in need, with the pandemic, these dinners have become pre-ordered pick up meals.
According to a press release from the Town of Oxford, the 36th annual free Thanksgiving Dinner will be a take out event this year, from 11:45am to 1pm on Thanksgiving Day Thursday November 26th
The event is open to all persons in the Oxford and McDonough communities, for pre-ordered dinner pick-ups only.
The event is usually help at St Joseph Church by the Church Women United of Oxford,
This year the event will be help at a new location, St Paul’s Episcopal Church Parish at 34 Main Street, Oxford, NY.
Again, there is no dining in this year, and you must pre-order by Monday November 16th by calling Sue at (607) 316-3465.
If you are a shut in and need home delivery, for Oxford only call Barb (607) 843-9329, and for McDonough, call Donna at (607) 647-5659.
If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer for this event, to help with serving and kitchen, call Audrey Johnson at 843-6249.
Free will donations can be made at NBT Bank in Oxford.