NYLEAP Program To Help Law Enforcement and First Responders Deal With Stress
The past weekend, the Chenango County Sheriff’s Office hosted a two-day program designed to help law enforcement and first responders to deal with the stress they experience at times during their career.
The New York Law Enforcement Assistance Program (NYLEAP) was initiated from within the law enforcement community, its goal is to improve the mental health of all law enforcement officers and first responders in various situations.
According to a news release from the Chenango County Sheriff’s Office 11 agencies participated in the May 26th and 27th event, titles “Assisting Individuals In Crisis” including the Police Departments from Binghamton, Johnson City, Norwich, Vestal and Port Dickinson.
Also attending were Police Departments from Binghamton University, Cornell University, and the Broome County Probation Department.
The program aims to help individuals in these roles cope with stressful situation that may be causing stress and effecting their mental health, reducing divorce rates alcohol and controlled substance abuse, PTSD, depression and suicide.
NYLEAP helps these various agencies recognize the stress signs and symptoms at the earliest stages by training and educating first responders and law enforcement to help them live healthier less stressful lives.
I can imagine what if must be like being in law enforcement, or the first on the scene, especially after the past year.
NYLEAP mission statement vows to not only help law enforcement officers and first responders, but their goal is increase productivity and improve relationships within their communities.
This is a positive call to action in helping those who deal with stress and trauma situations on a daily basis.
For more information on The New York Law Enforcement Assistance Program CLICK HERE