Legal Issues to Beware of Heading into 2019
As we turn the calendar and head to a new year there are plenty of things to pay attention to and plan for in 2019 and beyond. For many improving their health or getting another better job are tops on their list to accomplish in the new year. If you have not been to a doctor recently or have moved into the area you may want to contact a family physician so when the time comes to be seen you have established a commitment with them.
What about checking with or establishing contact with a lawyer or law firm ? If you needed legal advice do you have someone you can contact ? Speaking on WNBF's "You and the Law" segment this Wednesday, December 26, attorney Joe Stanley said "it's like the old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Like seeking out a physician to establish contact before you need to to be seen should people similarly set-up a meeting with a legal professional as well ?
Stanley says at some point you will most likely need legal advice or representation. "If you don't have the right information with any kind of situation you can get yourself in trouble". Stanley suggests that you reach out to legal counsel to ascertain whether legal advice or representative is needed. You can do this before actually scheduling a meeting or consultation.
Stanley's "You and the Law" segment is heard live every Wednesday morning at 8:20 A.M. on News Radio 1290 WNBF.
To contact Joe at the Stanley Law Offices in Binghamton or Montrose, Pa. go online at:
Joe@stanley law