Over a dozen properties prone to flooding in the City of Binghamton are coming down to become permanent open green space.

Bob Joseph/WNBF News
Bob Joseph/WNBF News

Demolition was started October 11 on the 14 parcels under a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant awarded to the City in 2016.

City officials say some of the plots will be leased to the non-profit group, VINES to expand its urban gardening projects.

The $1.5 million clearing project includes the fair-market priced buy-out of the flooded properties, relocation assistance, the associated purchase fees like appraisals and surveys, asbestos abatement and the actual $466,356 cost of demolition.

The City is expecting to close soon on a fifteenth property.

The sites being cleared so far are on Duke Street, Carroll, Tudor, Susquehanna, Valley and Varik Streets as well as a plot of Vermont Avenue.  Five of the properties are on Tudor Street.

The property owners voluntarily participated in the FEMA buyouts.

The properties being demolished are:

1 Duke St.

20 Carroll St.

24 Carroll St.

133 Susquehanna St.

14 Tudor St.

17 Tudor St.

1 Valley St.

7 Valley St.

9 Valley St.

7 Varick St.

6 Vermont Ave.

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