Fast Information in Southern Tier Now Available by Text
Residents can now text to get information from the Susquehanna River Region 211 information service.
The United Way of Broome County and Susquehanna River 211 have announced the new service allowing residents to text their zip code to TXT211 that’s 898211 to be immediately connected to an information and referral specialist.

The 211 Susquehanna River Region text-line can offer immediate help for people who are dealing with mental health issues, drug addiction, family violence or any situation that overwhelms their ability to cope.
This is in addition to being a link to more general information about getting or even giving assistance.
211 Susquehanna River Region is an accredited service that was deigned as a one-stop shop for individuals in Broome, Chenango Delaware, Otsego and Tioga Counties to seek information and, during disasters, 211 has now been designated a central hub providing information on how to offer help or to get assistance.
The texting option is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is available in English.
Officials remind residents 898211 is not a substitute for 911 in emergency services, 411 to call for directory assistance or other specialized hotlines or automated recordings.
The texting option can be a big help for people who may have communication difficulties when using the telephone. That could include people who are hard to understand due to accents or speech challenges. Talking on a phone to seek help can also in some cases be intimidating or may not be private enough in a given circumstance.
For more information about the service you can, of course, call 211 or visit www.helpme211.org
The regular telephone 211 service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
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