Drive-By Celebrations Cleared in Broome/Wegman’s Limits Shoppers
The Broome County Executive is taking a step back from banning drive-by celebrations after getting pushback over the weekend, including from within his own household.
Jason Garnar says he heard A LOT about his comments last week saying he wanted to ban the parades of cars past homes and nursing facilities to celebrate everything from birthdays to school pride since he saw video of cars lined up bumper to bumper, gatherings of people on lawns and milling around vehicles in violation of distancing guidelines.
Garnar says he consulted with the Governor’s office about the so-called “birthday parades” and decided they will be allowed so long as windows remain up, distance is maintained and no one gets out of the cars.
As the county continues to work to enforce social distancing to keep the spread of the coronavirus in check, a report in The Morning Call says a regional supermarket chain with a store in Johnson City is limiting the number of customers in some stores.
Wegmans said it would be limiting customers based on individual store capacities. Reports also indicate employees will be screened with temperature checks and questions about how they are feeling upon reporting to work and sent home if they show signs of illness.