Authorities say one person's body was found in a burning residence in Endwell.

The blaze at 3410 Luther Street was reported shortly after 7 a.m. Sunday.

According to the Endwell Fire Department, the first chief on the scene observed "heavy fire" on the first floor and called for a second alarm response.

The chief and law enforcement officers used extinguishers on the fire before the first engine arrived.

A vase of flowers had been placed in front of the home at 3410 Luther Avenue in Endwell on June 18, 2024. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)
Flowers had been placed in front of the home at 3410 Luther Street in Endwell on June 18, 2024. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

Endwell firefighters were assisted by units from the Endicott Fire Department in the effort to control the blaze and search the house.

Authorities said a person's body was discovered in a room where the fire apparently originated. The name of the victim has not been released by police or fire officials.

The fire was brought under control after a short time. Crews remained on the scene throughout the morning to extinguish hot spots in the three-story house.

A fire damaged this Endwell residence on June 16, 2024. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)
A fire damaged this Endwell residence on June 16, 2024. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

A man who said he managed to get out of the burning house told WNBF News he had been advised by fire investigators not to discuss the matter.

Authorities have not said what they believe caused the blaze.

Several people who were outside the residence on Wednesday declined to speak with a reporter about the fire.

Notices posted on the house indicate the structure has been declared unfit for occupancy by a town of Union code enforcement officer.

A notice posted on the house at 3410 Luther Avenue in Endwell. Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News
A notice posted on the house at 3410 Luther Street in Endwell. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)
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Contact WNBF News reporter Bob Joseph: For breaking news and updates on developing stories, follow @BinghamtonNow on Twitter.

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