The arrival of several hundred students is making things even tougher for those who park at a downtown Binghamton parking garage that is being repaired.

Users of the State Street ramp must make a K-turn to reach the upper levels of the garage. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)
Users of the State Street ramp must make a K-turn to reach the upper levels of the garage. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

The project at the State Street ramp started in June. The top four levels of the structure were closed for weeks for the initial phase of the work. Now, the four below-ground levels are off-limits as the project continues.

Debris covers a ramp where crews have been working. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)
Debris covers a ramp where crews have been working. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

Drivers are encountering detours and unusual traffic patterns as they wind their way up in the garage. At one point, they must make a K-turn as they seek an available space.

City parking officials say the work at the State Street ramp is expected to continue for at least one more week.

The garage is closed to shoppers and downtown visitors. Only people with permits are able to use the facility.

Jeff Horowitz, general manager of The Printing House Apartments, said about 250 students will be living in the former Press Building during the fall semester. He said he's advised them to promptly seek their monthly parking permits and to "be patient" until the project at the garage is finished.

This summer's planned reconstruction and repair work at the State Street and Water Street garages will cost more than $2 million. Structural Preservation Systems of New Jersey won the contract for the projects.

A section of the garage where restoration work is being done. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)
A section of the garage where restoration work is being done. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

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