Bar Crawl, Graduation and State Street Traffic Complications in Binghamton
In addition to daily changing traffic patterns at the State Street Gateway Project at State and Hawley Streets, motorists could encounter more activity and traffic impact May 16 as Binghamton University students celebrate the end of the semester and graduation.
The annual “Bar Crawl” takes place downtown centered on the concentration of bars and pubs on State and Court Streets.
Meanwhile, there is more activity around the Binghamton University Vestal campus for graduation ceremonies. The Doctoral Hooding Ceremony was held May 15.
Graduation ceremonies begin at noon May 17 for the Decker School of Nursing. The ceremonies for the Harpur College degrees take place starting at 8:30 a.m. May 19 at the Events Center. The ceremonies for the Thomas Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, College of Community and Public Affairs and School of Management take place starting at 8:30 a.m. May 20 at the Events Center.
During the events, University Police and Parking Services will conduct traffic control on campus and be on hand to help direct vehicles and pedestrians entering and exiting the campus on the Vestal Parkway
The University reports area hotels at full capacity and restaurants are also expected to be very busy, especially along the Vestal Parkway retail corridor.
Over 20,000 guests are expected on campus with $2.4 million spent on the local economy.