Is It Illegal to Flash Car Headlights in NY to Warn Drivers?Is It Illegal to Flash Car Headlights in NY to Warn Drivers?Do you flash your headlights to warn other drivers?JessJess
Five New Laws You Didn't Know Were Enacted in New York This YearFive New Laws You Didn't Know Were Enacted in New York This YearHere are a few bills signed into law I found interesting that you may not known were introduced and passed this year, including one requiring restroom access to public utility workers.Don MorganDon Morgan
Are You Doing Something Illegal With Your Leaves In NYS?Are You Doing Something Illegal With Your Leaves In NYS?We know that it's dangerous to have leaves along the side of the road in front of your house but is it illegal? Glenn PitcherGlenn Pitcher
Soon Your Loud Muffler Could Earn You A Fine in New York StateSoon Your Loud Muffler Could Earn You A Fine in New York StateIf you drive a vehicle with a modified or loud muffler, you might soon find yourself the recipient of a fine in New York State. Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
New York State Prohibits Tobacco DiscountsNew York State Prohibits Tobacco DiscountsAccording to a press release from Tobacco Free Broome and Tioga a new law is in place that prohibits any discounts on the sale of tobacco products.Doug MosherDoug Mosher
Decoding New York State’s Fireworks LawDecoding New York State’s Fireworks LawMost fireworks are illegal in the state of New York, but there are some exceptions.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor