Binghamton Parking HeadachesBinghamton Parking HeadachesPeople visiting Binghamton continue to complain about downtown parking kiosks that fail to operate correctly.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Pay-By-PlatePay-By-PlateDrivers parking on downtown Binghamton streets now must provide the city with their vehicle's license plate number.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Parking PainParking PainSome people who visit downtown Binghamton have been frustrated when recently-installed parking kiosks won't work.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Parking ConfusionParking ConfusionRecent changes in the payment system have caused problems for some people parking on downtown Binghamton streets.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Up and RunningUp and RunningFive new multi-space parking kiosks are being tried out on Hawley, Henry, State and Washington Streets.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte