Broome Fire Coordinator Services AnnouncedBroome Fire Coordinator Services AnnouncedFuneral services are being announced for Broome County’s long-time Director of Emergency Services and Fire Coordinator, Michael Aswad.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Services Set for Apalachin ManServices Set for Apalachin ManFuneral plans have been announced for a Tioga County man who was fatally shot during a struggle with two intruders in his residence.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Services for Alexander WetzelServices for Alexander WetzelA funeral Mass will be held in Johnson City for SUNY Broome Community College student Alexander Wetzel.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Remembering John ScottRemembering John ScottFuneral services for Tioga County fire coordinator John Scott will be held on Monday.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Libous ServicesLibous ServicesFuneral arrangements for Thomas Libous have been announced. The former state Senator died Tuesday at the age of 63.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Former Deputy/ Trooper/ Union Justice MournedFormer Deputy/ Trooper/ Union Justice MournedFuneral services are planned for Wednesday, March 23 for a former Broome County Sheriff’s Deputy, New York State Trooper and Investigator and Town of Union Justice. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte