Most Holy Rosary, Route 26 in Maine, NY is set for its annual Oktoberfest this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This is the church's biggest fund-raising event and ushers in autumn in our area.
Events get underway at 6:00 PM on Friday night and go til 11 PM...
The Annual St. Cyril's Parish Festival drew a large crowd yesterday. The Festival on the Parish grounds at 148 Clinton Street in Binghamton went from 11 AM-6 PM. Featured were traditional favorites like halupki. Organizers told WNBF news parishioners made 10,000 halupki for the one-day event...
Festival season is in full swing and this Sunday, July 23rd, St. Cyril's Parish, 148 Clinton Street in Binghamton, holds its annual celebration. The event runs from 11 AM - 6 PM. Delicious food will be featured along with great entertainment...
St. John's 89th Annual Ukrainian Days Festival continues Sunday until 6:00 PM at the St. John's Church Complex on St. John's Parkway just off Harry L Drive in Johnson City. Along with delicious ethnic food there is live music performed by "The Groove"...