More NY Amazon Workers to Vote On UnionizationMore NY Amazon Workers to Vote On UnionizationA second Amazon warehouse in New York City will have a union election in April. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Another Kmart ClosingAnother Kmart ClosingAnother Kmart store in the region is going out of business.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
KMart Stores in Towanda and Bath ClosingKMart Stores in Towanda and Bath Closing26 more KMart and Sears stores are closing, in some cases leaving small communities high and dry for a big retailer.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Think Twice Email Scam Hits LocallyThink Twice Email Scam Hits LocallySeveral local agencies, schools, community groups and hospitals are among sites across the U.S. finding themselves targeted by a threatening scam via email. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte