Humane Society to Move Into New Binghamton Shelter
The Broome County Humane Society is preparing to shift its operations to a newly-constructed facility on Binghamton's South Side.
Construction on the $2 million shelter and office complex on Conklin Avenue began about a year ago.
Humane society executive director Karen Matson said the move from the existing site on Hall Street is underway.
A spay-neuter clinic on Thursday was the first activity to be held at the new location. Matson said 28 surgeries were performed during the clinic.
Speaking on WNBF Radio's Binghamton Now program, Matson said it was great to utilize the facility that was specially designed for the purpose.
Matson said the work on the planning and development of the new complex took a long time.
The humane society now has 17 employees. The organization also relies on the work of volunteers to provide services to the community.
Matson said a grand opening event for area residents will be held at the shelter on June 28 at noon.
LOOK at the Binghamton Now photo gallery for images inside and outside the new Conklin Avenue facility.
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