Fracking Foes Send More Letters To Cuomo
People fighting approval of high-volume hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in New York state are sending more messages to Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Walter Hang of Ithaca-based Toxics Targeting says the governor should ensure that a comprehensive public health impact study is conducted before a final decision is made regarding fracking.
Speaking on WNBF Radio's Binghamton Now program, Hang said his company developed an email application that provides a basic message to be sent to Cuomo. People then are able to add their own specific concerns or experiences to personalize the message.
Hang said in a one-week period, Toxics Targeting received more than a thousand letters with messages to the governor on the issue.
Hang said the state's promised review of health concerns posed by fracking has been done in secret with no provision for seeking public input. He said he believes the shale gas moratorium in New York should remain in effect until the health issues have been adequately addressed.
Hang appeared in Binghamton this afternoon with Mayor Matthew Ryan and other fracking opponents to discuss the messages being sent to Cuomo.