Delaware County Added to Southern Tier Substantial COVID Spread Locations
Delaware County now joins Chenango and Tompkins Counties in the Southern Tier as listed on the Centers for Disease Control and prevention COVID map for counties with substantial spread of the coronavirus.
Broome County is now providing a link to the CDC tracking map at its website gobroomecounty.com or at https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view.

Broome County is shown on the map as moderate spread with an area along the Delaware and Chenango county borders in grey for “no data”.
The map shows in Pennsylvania Bradford and Susquehanna counties are in the yellow moderate spread while Wayne County is in orange as substantial. Tioga, Pennsylvania below Elmira and Chemung County is in blue for low transmission.
Chenango County Health officials say over the past seven to 10 days the office has seen a rise in COVID-19 cases, the majority of which continue to be among the unvaccinated and with a decrease in prevention efforts.
Broome County’s weekly update posted 70 new cases for the week while Chenango County reported an increase of 39 cases over the past week.
Chenango County has not issued official new mandates, but the Health Department says “we strongly recommend those with increased risk factors, vaccinated or not, to protect themselves. This may include masks in public, limited group sizes and other disease prevention best practices.”
Meanwhile, time is running out before the start of the new school year for children aged 12 and over to get both doses of the Pfizer vaccine in order to be protected against COVID-19.
Chenango County is having a clinic for the first dose of the Pfizer shot August 5 at the former Label Shopper Store in the South Plaza on Route 12 in Norwich from 4 to 6 p.m. To register, visit the Chenango County Health Department vaccination page on the county website or call (607) 337-1660. The Health Department says “this is the last chance to fully vaccinate your child before the start of the school year.”
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