Binghamton Neighborhoods to Have Water Issues Sept. 17
Some Binghamton residents in the neighborhood of the Front Street Gateway project are being warned of water service problems that are expected September 17.
Notices have gone out to residents of Valley and Franklin Streets advising them of water interruption on Monday, September 17 for upgrade work.
Valley Street residents will have to boil their water until advised otherwise.
City of Binghamton officials say the work will start at around 8 a.m. Monday, weather permitting. Franklin Street residents may have water back on by late afternoon. But Valley Street residents are cautioned that the complicated water main and vale replacement may stretch into the evening or night on September 17.
Those residents will have to use bottled water or boil water intended for consumption, cooking, washing dishes and other uses while the City conducts health testings. The first bacteriological samples will be collected Tuesday with a second collection on Wednesday. By noon Thursday, the City expects to have the results back on both samples and would be able to lift the order once the Health Department gives the all-clear.
Here is the letter sent to residents by the City of Binghamton:
To all residents of Valley Street:
With the Front Street Gateway Project continuing, we are at a point where the replacement of a large section of water main must be accomplished to make room for a large diameter storm water sewer line.
This part of the project is unavoidable; and, there is never a good time to inform our fellow residents of an interruption of services. This interruption of water service will be followed by a BOIL WATER ADVISORY once service is restored.
Beginning Monday, September 17th (weather permitting) at approximately 8:00 am, we will lose water service to all Valley Street residents for the entire day. We do not expect to have any water service restored until at least 6:00 pm. We are replacing a 20” Valve and a complicated 60-foot section of 20” water main. This is a lot to accomplish in one day, so our timeline is estimated. If everything goes smoothly, we will get your water back on as soon as possible. If complications arise, it may be late into the evening/night when your water service will be restored. Either way, we will be working until completion.
On Tuesday, we will collect the first set of bacteriological samples. A second set will be collected Wednesday. By 12:00 Noon on Thursday, we should have the results of both 24-hour tests. Once the Department of Health gives us the ok, we will lift the BOIL WATER ADVISORY for your area.
We encourage residents of Valley Street to fill containers of water before the shutdown to have a supply of water on hand for domestic use. In addition, during the planned shutdown, we will supply each residence on Valley Street with two cases of drinking water, one individual bottles and one of gallon jugs for cooking, bathing and other use. We plan to drop these off Sunday morning in preparation of Monday’s planned construction.
The City of Binghamton apologizes for this inconvenience but asks for your understanding that this progress is for the betterment of the City as a whole.
Thank you,
Joseph M. Yannuzzi
Superintendent Water / Sewer Department
Phone Numbers
Water / Sewer 772 – 7210
Public Works 772 – 7021
Broome County Department of Health 778 – 2847